Thursday, 11 September 2014

Import records from CSV file to Ax for particular Transfer order by using MenuItemButton.

We have to follow some steps:-

Step 1:

Create a Table(ImportOption) with some fields.TransferId is one of the field which is mandatory.

Step 2:

Create a relation for TransferId with InventTransferTable.Set the Relation properties as follows..

Step 3:

Add Table as datasource into form(ImportOption).drag and drop the fields into design node.

Step 4:

Now add the form into Menuitem-->display node in AOT.

Step 5:

Create an Excel file with records which we need to import into ImportOption table.

Step 6:

Convert the excel file into CSV file(file-->save as-->Filename-->Book1-->Type-->CSV (comma delimited).

Step 7:

Create the MenuItemButton in the Action pane of the InventTransferOrder (or) CopyofinventTransferOrder form.

Step 8:

Now set the property menuItemName for that menuitembutton is ImportOption.

Step 9:

Under the menuitembutton write the clicked() method with following code,

void clicked()
Dialog dialog;
DialogField dialogFileName;
SysOperationProgress simpleProgress;
Filename filename;
FileIOPermission permission;
TextIO textIO;
ImportOption importOption;
InventTransferTable iinventTransferTable;

str itemname,transferid;

real qty;

str s11;
int i;
Container c1,c2;
CompanyInfo companyInfoLoc = CompanyInfo::find();
Container filterCriteria;

dialog = new Dialog("Importing Text File");
dialogFileName = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Filenameopen), "File Name");
filterCriteria = ['*.txt'];
filterCriteria = dialog.filenameLookupFilter(filterCriteria);;
if (
filename = dialogFileName.value();
info("Filename must be filled");

permission = new fileIOpermission(filename,#io_read);
textIO = new TextIO(filename,#io_read);
textIO.inFieldDelimiter(',');///Change the Delimeter if it is , or ; etc
simpleProgress = SysOperationProgress::newGeneral(#aviUpdate, 'Importing data',100);
while(textIO.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
c1 =;
s11 = conpeek(c1,3);
if(strlen(s11) > 1)
select importOption ;
simpleprogress.setText(strfmt("Lines imported: %1", i));

Step 10:

This code used to import records from csv file.

If you want to modify records in csv files then right click the csv file-->open with -->notepad.Here change the records and save it.

Finally We get the output....

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